Jargon Examples in Literature
What is jargon and, specifically, what is jargon in literature? What do writers and editors need to know? Read on to find out.
Dual Protagonists: How to Write Two Main Characters
If you have to write a dual protagonist synopsis (where there are two protagonists instead of one), the task can seem downright monumental. Read on for information to help you with the process.
Self-Publishing: Pros, Cons, and To-Dos
What is self-publishing? What are the pros and cons, and what does it entail? Read on to find out!
Traditional, Assisted, or self-publishing?
Should you choose traditional publishing, assisted self-publishing, or self-publishing? Read on to learn more about each.
What is Assisted Self-Publishing?
What is assisted self-publishing, and should you invest in it? Read on for some information to help you decide.